Sergio Boisier, Giancarlo Canzanelli


In the debate about the role of the local level for economic development, “globalists” and “territorialists” stand face-to-face in defending their positions. In any case, the importance of the local dimension cannot be underestimated, considering its capacity to resolve production crises, to convert the industrial sector and to create employment possibilities through concerted actions between different actors to achieve shared outcomes, local innovation, enhancement of diversities and optimisation of local resources. Boisier and Canzanelli, in considering these issues, argue that local development processes also have to be sustainable over time and, importantly, in terms of promoting human development. In this light, they discuss the characteristics and aims of Local Economic Development Agencies as tools for the sustainable promotion of processes of territorial human development.   


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Local development; Human development; Territorial development; Local economic development; Globalization

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