The ‘Champions for Transformative Leadership’ Initiative: Kenyan Grassroots Women as Agents of Change

Esther Mwaura Muiru, Jael Amati, Anne Wamaitha Mbotela


Within a male-dominated society women were ‘to be seen and not heard”. For years women’s rights to speech, decision-making, advocacy and ultimately development and empowerment have been suffocated. To cater for this disconnect, in 2009 the “Champions for Transformative Leadership” initiative under GROOTS Kenya’s Women Leadership and Governance program was initially piloted in three constituencies. The initiative has contributed to the achievements of MDG3, to promoting both quality and quantity of socio-political participation of grassroots women. This case study and accompanying video specifically examine the progress made by grassroots women in Kenya within the context of local development and women’s empowerment, strides made through leadership provided by the most isolated, including those living with HIV and AIDS, as well as the involvement of male counterparts.


Kenya; GROOTS; womenìs political participation; local development; women's empowerment; MDG3; HIV/AIDS

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