Citizen's Participation and Women's Empowerment for Rural Development in Chile

Pilar Campaña, Andrea Bascuñán


This study is based on an evaluation of the experience of training farmer women and men based on a tripartite collaboration among the public sector (INDAP), the private sector (Universidad de Concepción) and civil society (Mesa de Mujeres Rurales de la VIII Región). It began with the implementation of a “Diploma for Monitors of sustainable rural development with a gender approach” in the VIII Region, between 2002 and 2009. Its main objective was to contribute to the process of participation and empowerment of poor rural women and men. 531 women and men were trained and obtained the qualification of Rural Monitors, of which 80% were women. Among the results obtained were the election of women councilors in municipal governments, increased numbers of women members and leaders of producers' associations, and positive changes in intrafamily relations and women's increased self-esteem and self-confidence, where their sense of pride in having participated in a university-level course was a key factor.


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rural development; rural monitors; women's empowerment; diploma;

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