Sergio Boisier, Antonio Vázquez Barquero, José Arocena, Romeo Cotorruelo Menta, Giancarlo Canzanelli


In this virtual roundtable, five experts – academics and development practitioners – discuss the importance of territorial economic development in times of globalization and financial crisis. The “local factor” can be considered a crucial differentiating element, that encourages the emergence of alternative development strategies, and one of the most convincing approaches to addressing the current crisis. The five experts share their ideas on the role of territorial economic development in addressing poverty, inequality and the environmental and food crises and make recommendations to national governments to adopt policies that support territorial development. Among these, they point out some specific tools such as Territorial Economic Development Agencies, decentralization and public-private governance that can be critical for the sustainable competitiveness of a country.


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Territorial economic development; economic development

Universitas Forum is produced by the Universitas Programme of the KIP International School (Knowledge, Innovations, Policies and Territorial Practices for the UN Millennium Platform).

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